How to Judge A Horoscope – Accounting all the aspects of a planet

Aspects of  a planet are as follows:

  1. All planets aspect the 7th house from them.
  2. Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th houses from him additionally.
  3. Mars aspects the 4th and 8th houses from him additionally.
  4. Saturn aspects the 3rd and 10th houses from him additionally.

Sample Horoscope: 27 May 1982, 23:19, 81E39 16N59.

It can be said that 1st lord is in 9th house along with the 4th and 11th lord. However if we take the aspects also into the consideration, then first lord from lagna is also positioned in 3rd, 6th, 9th and 11th houses. Hence we should also account the evaluation of a lord position in these houses as well.

Hence  It can be said that

  1. 1st lord is in 9th house along with the 4th and 11th lord.
  2. 1st lord is in 3rd house with 4th and 11th lord.
  3. 1st lord is in 11th house along with 8th Lord and 6th and 9th lord
  4. 1st lord is in 6th house with Rahu, kethu and 5th lord and 10lord.

So for this persons first lord will have to be evaluated considering all these combinations.

– An ode to K.B. Gopalakrishnan {}

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